A travelling seminar was jointly organized on 2nd December 2021 by Local Initiatives for Biodiversity Research and Development (LI-BIRD) and National Farmers Group Federation (NFGF) in Udayapur district. The seminar was organized as a part of the ‘Samarthya’ project funded by DANIDA through CARE Nepal implemented by LI-BIRD and NFGF in Udayapur and Siraha districts. The main objective of the event was to enhance the awareness and knowledge of the key decision makers including representatives from Governments and local leaders on the impact of climate change in the livelihoods of farmers of Udayapur district. The travelling seminar is used as a tool for scaling up the various models piloted by the project through the participants in their constituencies (policies, plans and programmes). A total of 52 participants representing province parliament, Ministry of Land Management Agriculture and Cooperative (MoLMAC), Province 1, Ministry of Agriculture and Livestock Development (MoALD), Mayors from the neighboring municipalities, media representatives participated in the event. The participants were firstly briefed about the climate resilient models followed by field observation and interaction with beneficiaries in the field. The interactions particularly sharing from beneficiaries about their experiences of practicing climate resilient technologies and practices and changes brought by the model in their livelihoods received overwhelming responses. The participants provided commitment to replicate the technologies and models promoted by the project in their respective constituencies. Through commitment, they have ratified the effectiveness of the project, which will be further substantiated through assessment in the coming days.