The Adaptation Fund (AF) recognizes ‘Environmental and Social Safeguards are fundamental to ensure that the Fund does not support projects/programmes that unnecessarily harm the environment, public health or vulnerable communities’. Therefore, all implementing entities are required to: (i) have an environmental and social safeguard system that ensures environmental and social risks are identified and assessed at the project/programme design stage; (ii) adopt measures to avoid or minimize/mitigate potential risks during project/programme implementation; and (iii) monitor and report on the status of measures applied during and at the end of project/programme implementation. The Environmental and Social Policy emphasizes that all projects/programmes supported by the Fund should be designed and implemented to meet AF’s environmental and social principles, for example: (i) compliance with applicable domestic and international laws; (ii) provide fair and equitable access to benefits; (iii) avoid imposing any disproportionate adverse impacts on marginalized and vulnerable groups; (iv) respect and promote human rights; (v) both women and men are able to participate fully and receive equitable social and economic benefits; (vi) meet ILO labour standards; (vii) are consistent with UN Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples; (viii) avoid or minimize the need for involuntary resettlement; (ix) protect natural habitats and conserve biological diversity; (x) prevent pollution and enhance resource use efficiency; (xi) avoid potentially significant negative impacts on public health; (xii) reduce/minimize greenhouse gas emissions and other drivers of climate change; (xiii) avoid alteration, damage or removal of cultural sites or unique cultural values; and (xiv) promote soil conservation and avoid degradation of productive land.
The overarching objective of the AF Gender Policy is to ‘Ensure more effective, sustainable and equitable adaptation outcomes and impacts that proactively analyze and address dynamic interlinkages between enhancing gender equality, the empowerment of women and girls, adaptation needs and other societal challenges, vulnerabilities and exclusions that women and girls, men and boys and their communities face, and doing so in an intersectional manner that do not exacerbate but instead redress existing gender-based inequalities and close existing gender gaps’. The Fund’s Gender Policy aims to systematically integrate key principles in Fund’s Environmental and Social Policy, especially the principles of access and equity, consideration of marginalized and vulnerable groups and human rights.
LI-BIRD’s Governing Body – the Executive Board - and Senior Management is committed to abide by the AF’s Environment and Social, and Gender Policies in all LI-BIRD projects including AF Funded Projects and activities, and affirms its commitment through the following actions:
- LI-BIRD has its own ‘Environmental and Social Safeguarding Policy 2022 (Revised in 2023) ’ and ‘Gender Equality and Social Inclusion Policy 2011 (Revised in 2021)’ that are closely aligned to AF policies. We, the Executive Board and Senior Management, reaffirm our commitment to further review and strengthen LI-BIRD’s existing policies (identifying and addressing key gaps) to align with the AF policies based on evidences and learning and, accelerate the implementation of our commitment to environmental and social safeguards and gender equality/empowerment in all our projects/programmes and activities.
- LI-BIRD’s work is guided by its ‘5-Year Strategic Plan’ that defines its: (i) vision, mission, and goal; (ii) institutional governance and core values; (iii) programming principles and approaches; (iv) strategic programmes and milestones; and (v) resource mobilization strategies. We are in a stage of formulating a new year strategic plan (2023-2030) aligning with the national and global priorities and commitments. We support the Fund’s policies and are committed to fully integrate our commitments and considerations on environmental and social safeguards, and gender equality into our new strategic plan.
- LI-BIRD has its own Complaint Handling Policy and Procedures 2021 (revised in 2023) which provides a fair and consistent means to address complaints and grievances. Complaint Handling policy applies throughout LI-BIRD and is global in application. LI-BIRD is committed to ensuring the accessibility of its Complaints Handling Policy and procedures and systems for making a complaint, across LI-BIRD's scope of its work.
- We are committed to working with all partners (community groups, governments, NGOs, international organizations, financial institutions, and the private sector) to integrate commitments and considerations on environmental and social safeguards, and gender equality in their decision making and programming cycle.
- We are committed to build the capacity of our staff, members and partners to better understand, internalize and appreciate the importance of environmental and social safeguards and gender equality, and support them in building their skills and competencies for application in their decision -making processes.
- We commit to actively promote the collection, analysis and use of environmental and social safeguards, and gender equality indicators and data in policy, programme design and monitoring frameworks to deliver on our commitment to environmental and social safeguards, and gender equality for equitable and sustainable development outcomes.
- We have a organizational Focal Point for Environmental and Social Safeguarding a dedicated position - ‘Monitoring, Evaluation, Accountability and Learning Manager’ - at a managerial level to build our staff and partners’ capacities, ensure the delivery of our commitments, accountability and cross-fertilization of learning across the mission and beyond.
Date: 24 March 2023
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