Market-Led Approach to Sustainable Management of Agrobiodiversity for Livelihood Outcomes: Household Baseline Study Report
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April 2020


The current report is part of a broader baseline study comprising of three independent but interrelated studies, namely, ‘Organizational Status and Need Assessment of Agriculture Cooperatives and Farmer Groups Active in the LCPV Area’, ‘Market Survey Report: Linking LCPV Products to Market in Pokhara’ and the ‘Household Baseline Survey Report’. The household level baseline survey was conducted with the following two objectives: 1) generate quantitative and qualitative baseline figures/values at household level for given indictors, as agreed in the proposal, against which endline values will be compared with; and 2) utilize the baseline information in refining project interventions, which directly contribute to project outputs and outcomes. A random sample of 355 out of 4015 households was selected, and interviewed using structured questionnaire in November/December 2019. The project team devised outcome and output indicators-based questionnaire eliciting information related to individual and household profile, production and area under keystone species, and sources of cash income at household level. Additionally, as a part of baseline study, the project team conducted cost of production study of keystone species in representative households, which is included in household survey report.