The Chepang people have depended enormously on the forest resources for food, fodder, fiber, medicine, housing and various other needs. A close insight into the traditional food culture of the Chepang communities shows that wild edible and underutilized plant species have a special and important part in their food security. Further, it shows their enormous dependency on rich natural resources specially forests.
LI-BIRD conducted a pilot action research project ‘Land Use Change and Human Health in the Eastern Himalayas: An Adaptive Ecosystem Approach’, in five Chepang villages of Gorkha and Tanahun districts, Nepal which was coordinated by International Centre for Integrated Mountain Development (ICIMOD) and funded by International Development Research Centre (IDRC).
This publication brings together the traditional knowledge of the Chepang people regarding the wild edible and neglected plant species. Similarly, the proximate nutrient analysis of these plant species could be of great importance to demonstrate the value addition feasibility of these species.
This publication has only been successful with the information and knowledge provided by the Chepang people of Gorkha and Tanahun districts. Eventually, we are grateful all those who have contributed directly and indirectly, and produced this booklet.