LI-BIRD successfully conducted its 30th Annual General Meeting (AGM) and Social Audit in Pokhara on 22 September 2024, marking three decades of impactful work in participatory research and development. Different stakeholders representing government, funding agencies and partner organizations, academic institutions, private sectors, farmers, media personals, founder members, general members, executive board members, and staff participated in the event. The event’s first (open) session comprising Social Audit Programme was inaugurated by the chief guest, Dr. Tanka Prasai, Secretary of Ministry of Agriculture, Land Management and Cooperatives, Gandaki Province with a formal ceremony performing the traditional Deep Prajwalan.
In the social audit programmme, the social audit facilitator, Dr. Ram Chandra Baral presented the social audit findings of LI-BIRD. During this session, Dr. Baral highlighted the organization’s significant contributions to local crop improvement by encouraging farmers to adopt sustainable farming systems, establishing community seed banks, and promotion of seed entrepreneurship. Furthermore, LI-BIRD’s contribution to the promotion of climate-resilient technologies, pollination, utilization of wild edible plants and evidence-based policy advocacy were also highlighted. The report also emphasized LI-BIRD’s contributions through various projects to enhance the livelihoods of marginalized communities, reduce dependency on external seeds, promotion of indigenous crops, and conservation of agrobiodiversity. Dr. Baral also provided his observations on the areas for improvement for LI-BIRD such as expanding its scope for pesticide monitoring, creating a calendar for scheduled interactions of field staff with farmers, and enhancing the social mobilization capacity of frontline staff while investing the value chain of local agricultural products.

LI-BIRD’s new strategy 2024-2030 was also launched at the event. Dr. Balaram Thapa, Senior Advisor, shared the procedure of strategy formulation process, key priorities for next 7 years and the roll-out plan of strategy 2024-2030. He emphasized how LI-BIRD can translate strategic plan 2024-2030 into action. Mr. Bharat Bhandari, Executive Director, provided an overview of LI-BIRD’s organizational information, key achievements, and initiatives, including sharing current geographical coverage, staff structure and beneficiary reach to the participants. He acknowledged and thanked all funding agencies, development partners, government representatives, beneficiaries, staff and well-wishers for their contributions to achieve LI-BIRD’s mission.

Prof. Dr. Durga Devkota, Principal of the Natural Resource Management College, Agriculture and Forestry University appreciated LI-BIRD’s work on agriculture and nutrition. She emphasized that the partnership between university and development partners can help both farmers and students; as farmers can share their experience, and students can share technical knowledge with farmers.

The Chairperson of the Annapurna Rural Municipality, Mr. Bishnu Bahadur K.C., congratulated LI-BIRD on reaching its 30-years milestone, appreciated its collaboration with local government and expressed his commitment for future collaboration to contribute for sustainable development.

The Chief Guest, Dr. Tanka Prasad Prasai, Ministry of Agriculture, Land Management and Cooperatives, Gandaki Province, praised LI-BIRD’s efforts, particularly in the conservation and utilization of agro-biodiversity. He emphasized that collaborative action between three tiers of government is essential for achieving shared objectives. He also acknowledged the suggestions made by the social auditor and assured that the provincial ministry would consider them when developing future plans and programmes. He spotlighted the potential of agro-tourism in Gandaki Province and called for a coordinated approach between government, civil society organizations and private sector to join hands to achieve a common goal.

In the event, LI-BIRD awarded staff for long and continuous service. Mr. Indra Prasad Poudel was felicitated with ‘Continuous Service Award’ for 28 years + service in LI-BIRD since 1995 A.D. Similarly, Mr. Rajkumar Chaudhary, Mr. Birendra Chaudhary, Mr. Chandra Bahadur Saud, Ms. Mira Dhakal and Mr. Indeshwar Mandal were honored for 15 years + service in LI-BIRD.

The first public session of the event concluded with remarks from Dr. Pratap Kumar Shrestha, Chairperson of the Executive Board, who thanked all participants and stakeholders for their continued support. He emphasized the importance of collaboration between government, private sector, and local communities to achieve sustainable agricultural growth and biodiversity conservation in Nepal.

Annual General Meeting of LI-BIRD
The second session in the afternoon was ‘Annual General Meeting (AGM)’, a closed meeting conducted among the General Members and Executive Board Members of LI-BIRD. Mr. Beni Bahadur Basnet, Board Secretary reviewed last year’s AGM decisions. Vice Chairperson Dr. Meeta Sainju Pradhan shared review of Executive Board’s year one activities and shared plan for the remaining tenure. Dr. Meeta Sainju Pradhan with support of Ms. Laxmi Gurung Head of Admin and Finance shared the financial audit report of 2080/81 whereas Mr. Bharat Bhandari, Executive Director shared technical progress report and FY 2081/82 budget. Assembly members discussed and endorsed all the reports and plans. Dr. Balaram Thapa, Senior Advisor shared the progress status of accreditation process with UNFCCC Adaptation Fund, Dr. Pratap Shrestha, Chairperson shared the progress of LI-BIRD own initiatives on Local Innovation Research Development Fund (LIRDF) and its future plan. The programme was concluded with a vote of thanks and closing remarks by the Board Chairperson Dr. Pratap Kumar Shrestha.