The multi stakeholder forestry programme (MSFP) is being implemented by a wide range of stakeholders – the government of Nepal, NGOs, civil society, and the private sector – to enhance and strengthen national, regional, and local institutional arrangements that can deliver effective forest sector development.
A multi stakeholder steering committee (MSSC) led by Ministry of Forests and Soil Conservation (MFSC) provides strategic direction to the programme. The MSSC has representatives from government line ministries, civil society and the three donors (Government of Finland, the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation, and UK Department for International Development.
The multi stakeholder forestry programme’s main beneficiaries are rural communities of Nepal, especially poor and disadvantaged households, and those most vulnerable to climate change. The MSFP explicitly targets these groups and gathers disaggregated data to assess its progress. The programme aims to bring an estimated 1.7 million people out of poverty by working with existing and new forestry groups of various kinds and creating an additional 80,000 jobs.
Parbat: Centre for Community Resource and Environmental Development (CeCRED), Environmental Preservation Services for Development (ENPRED), National Educational and Social Development Organization (NESDO), and FECOFUN Parbat
Baglung: Bhimpokhara Youth Club (BYC), Dalit Empowerment Centre (DEC), Dhaulagiri Community Resource Development Centre (DCRDC), Gaja Youth Club (GYC), and FECOFUN Baglung
Myagdi: Himalayan Grassroots Women’s Natural Resources Management Association (HIMAWANTI), Multidisciplinary Institute for Livelihood Enhancement and Natural Resource Management (MILAN), Sustainable Approach on Natural Resource Management and Gender Awareness for Microenterprise (SANGAM), and FECOFUN Myagdi
Collaborators: District Forest Office (DFO) Parbat, Baglung, and Myagdi
Project Details
Working district
Baglung, Parbat, Myagdi
May 2022 - July 2026
Bhimpokhara Youth Club (BYC), Centre for Community Resource and Environmental Development (CeCRED), Dalit Empowerment Centre (DEC), Dhaulagiri Community Resource Development Centre (DCRDC), Environmental Preservation Services for Development (ENPRED), FECOFUN, Gaja Youth Club (GYC), Himalayan Grassroots Women's Natural Resources Management Association (HIMAWANTI), Multidisciplinary Institute for Livelihood Enhancement and Natural Resource Management (MILAN), National Educational and Social Development Organization (NESDO)
Funded by
Ministry for Foreign Affairs of Finland, Swiss Agency for Development Cooperation, UKAID
Household Coverage
Contact Person
Ganesh Raj Acharya