Virtual Regional Dialogue on Agricultural Water Pollution & Water Management in South Asia
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April 2021


The Virtual Regional Dialogue on Agricultural Water Pollution & Water Management in South Asia held from November 17–19, 2020 brought together a host of organisations and enthusiastic individuals working in the field of agricultural water pollution and water management. The event was organised with a goal to collect and disseminate the learning from Caritas’ Agricultural Water Pollution initiatives in South Asia and to create a stakeholder network of related professionals and organizations working in
the area of Agricultural Water Pollution & Water Management. 88 delegates representing 49 organisations from South Asia, Europe and the United States of America participated in the event.

Funded by the United States Department of State and Caritas Switzerland, the South Asia Capacity Building Agricultural and Water Pollution Project (October, 2017-December,2020) is a three-year consortium project led by Caritas Switzerland and including Arthacharya Foundation, Sri Lanka; Caritas Bangladesh, Bangladesh; Local Initiatives for Biodiversity, Research and Development (LIBIRD), Nepal; and The DHAN Foundation, India. The Virtual Regional Dialogue on Agricultural Water Pollution & Water Management in South Asia jointly organised by , Caritas Switzerland and the partner organisations.