Stories of Change: Enhanced Action of Inclusive CSOs for Participation in Climate Resilient Economic Growth

January 2023


During the project period, the partners worked closely with 87 CSOs including women and farmers groups, Community Forest User Forest User Groups (CFUGs), Community Disaster Management Committees (CDMCs), and their associated networks and alliances, cooperatives. The project reached 5,399 farmers and CSO members, 2,510 Male and 2,889 female; conducted 11 action research and advocacy projects on climate resilient agriculture practices through third party financing; supported the 4 municipalities to prepare Local Disaster and Climate Resilient Plan (LDCRP) and operate Climate Change and Disaster Risk Reduction (CCDRR) Learning Centre and green fund; and established 14 green enterprises.

This booklet showcases the positive impact of the project on the lives of its beneficiaries. It highlights the development of a resilient community, climate-informed governance practices, and increased awareness of citizens’ role in climate mitigation. Thanks to those involved in creating the booklet and to the EU and partner organizations for their trust and effective implementation of the project