Renewable Energy Access for Livelihoods in fragile buffer Zones (REALiZe)

Renewable Energy Access for Livelihoods in fragile buffer Zones (REALiZe) is an integrated project to address Livelihood, Water Management, Biodiversity Conservation, Sustainable Financial Mechanism, Value Chain of NTFP and Livestock and Employment Creation through use of renewable energy in Northern bufferzone of Banke and Bardia National park. The project covers Bheri Ganga Municipality of Surkhet district and Kalimati Rural municipality of Salyan. The Project has targeted to reach 8378 beneficiaries which will include school students, members of CFUG, Buffer Zone NTFP dwellers, Cooperative members, Single Women and marginal households. Project will develop a curriculum for lower secondary grades in the targeted project site which will increase knowledge about Biodiversity, NTFP & MAPs, Forest, Climate Change to the students. The project will promote cleaner energy through generation of local ICS technicians and supporting ICS construction. Availability of clean drinking water with multiple utility mechanisms using alternative energy will be promoted in the project site. Realize has targeted to increase healthy small ruminant(Goat) production and its breed improvement. The project will improve the livelihood of bufferzone peoples through promotion of NTFP and MAPs, its cultivation, production, value addition and market linkage activities. The major objective of the project are

  • To enable livelihood of poor people living in northern Bardia and Banke National Park Buffer Zones;
  • To generate a sustainable, renewable-energy to enhance income of vulnerable communities; and
  • To conserve the fragile forest landscape and gain a louder voice in decision-making.

Project Details



Working district

Surkhet, Salyan

Province | Municipality

2020 - 2023


Dalit Development Society (DDs), Sundar Nepal Sanstha(BNA)

Funded by

Jersey Overseas Aid (JOA), Renewable World

Household Coverage
Contact Person

Krishna Lamsal

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