Cultivating Change in a Warming World is a multi-country project based on a strategic program of Oxfam Novib which focuses on food, land, and natural resources. The project is funded by the Swedish International Development Agency (SIDA). In Nepal, Oxfam Nepal jointly with Local Initiatives for Biodiversity, Research and Development (LI-BIRD) is implementing the project in Krishnapur Municipality and Laljhadi Rural Municipality of Kanchanpur district in Sudurpaschim Province and Dullu Municipality of Dailekh district in Karnali Province. The project aims to achieve i) Deepening and diversifying the ongoing work of Sowing Diversity Harvesting Security (SD=HS) project in two districts of Sudurpaschim Province as a core impact site; and (ii) Expanding in a new district Dailekh in Karnali Province as a scaling out/up site. The project will reach out to 15,000 beneficiaries (2,500 direct and an additional 12,500 indirect beneficiaries) through partnerships with governments (local to national), CSOs and networks, and development partners with similar priorities active in the regions.
The main goal of the project is to build resilience of community people especially women and youth and their allies through integrated programs including seed sector improvement and promotion of agroecological farming. Local seed system improvement, rolling out Farmers Field School (FFS), and development of seed-based enterprises are a few of the major activities the project will target. In addition to this project will work on the promotion of agroecological agriculture and the production of nutritious crops through economic empowerment, women-led agri-enterprise development, capacity building of government officials and relevant institutions, and natural resources management.
The program aligns and contributes to the Nepal Government’s plan and priorities at local, Federal, and Central levels. Federal Government’s Agriculture Development Strategy (2015-2035), Nepal Government’s commitment on zero hunger challenge towards achieving SDG 1, Sudurpaschim Provincial Government’s vision of ‘developing sustainable and climate resilient agriculture’, and Karnali Provincial Government’s vision of ‘transitioning towards organic province within 10 years’, Nepal’s Climate Change Adaptation Plan (2021-2050) and Nationally Determined Contribution (2021-2030) priorities and targets, especially ‘improving soil organic matter, promoting conservation farming and agroforestry, promoting climate resilient and indigenous seeds and crop varieties, establishing climate smart farms and resilient villages, and promoting women leaderships are few of the plans and priorities project directly contribute to.
Project Details
Sudurpaschim and Karnali Province
Working district
Kanchanpur and Dailekh
Krishnapur Muncipality and Laljhadi Rural Municipality (Kanchanpur)
Dullu Municipality (Dailekh)
June 2024 - March 2028
Oxfam in Nepal
Funded by
Swedish International Development Agency (SIDA)
Household coverage
15000 HHs (2500 HHs-Direct beneficiaries, 12500- Indirect beneficiaries)
Contact Person
Pragati Raj Shipkhan
E-mail: pragati.sipkhan@libird.org