Evolutionary Plant Breeding (EPB) is an effective approach to increase agrobiodiversity and thus contribute to increase yield sustainably, to better adapt to various biotic and abiotic stresses and to bring crop genetic diversity back into farmers’ fields and into farmers’ hands.
EPB allows the crops to continuously evolve and maintains its ability to adapt to various biotic and abiotic stresses especially to changing climates.
Mixtures are obtained by simply mixing the seeds of number of varieties. Mixtures can be static or dynamic. Static mixtures are made up by mixing the seed of each of the components at the beginning of each cropping season. When part of the grain produced from such mixtures is used as seed for the following crops, thus the capturing the effects of natural selection, the mixtures are dynamic. Dynamic mixtures tend to become populations [5] over a few generations, even with low levels of out-crossing, as the one occurring predominantly self-pollinated crops such as rice